Monday 18 August 2014

Group Meeting Minutes

1)17 Aug 14
2) 11:30
3) Wes' House
4) Alicia, Wen Yi, Ze Xuan, Wes
5) -
6) Compare and contrast
Alicia and Ze Xuan identified the common criteria for the similarity.
Ze Xuan found both of the evidence. (quote from source)
Alicia elaborate on the evidence.
Wen Yi and Wes identified the common criteria for the differences.
Wen Yi found the evidence and did the elaborate for source B.
Wes found the evidence and did the elaborate for source A.
7) Next meeting in school.

1) 19 Aug 14
2) 2:30
3) School
4) Alicia, Wen Yi, Ze Xuan, Wes
5) -
6) Alicia (Scribe) did the minutes and the rest help to remember the dates.
All took turn to research on the Maria Hertogh sources.
7) Not sure when is next meeting

1) 22 Aug 14
2) 12:30
3) Computer Lab
4) Alicia, Wen Yi, Ze Xuan, Wes
5) -
6) Alicia do the minutes and did the introduction and conclusion of the essay.

Alicia search on Maria Hertogh sources.
Ze Xuan, Wes and Wen Yi did on main idea from the essay each.

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